When your loved ones one day reflect on your legacy, bring into their awareness also that your legacy reflects All that You Love. If it be your Wish, then Will the things that really matter to you, to live on.
A bequest to the African Scholars’ Fund can be a specific sum, a percentage or the residual of your estate, shares, an insurance policy, property or items of value. Your financial advisor is undoubtedly the best person to advise you in this regard, OR you may make use of our simple and very straight forward Codicil – view Codicil.
The heart and the head need to work together when making decisions that will have a “lasting effect” on humanity. As such we wish to highlight the fact that charitable giving has tax benefits that can very effectively reduce your estate duty, and it presents you with an opportunity to make a substantial (future) donation that you might not be able to afford now.
About 85% of every rand reaches the scholar. Administration is mostly funded from interest and special grants, so when you make a donation to African Scholars’ Fund you can rest assured that the funds reaches the learner intended.
The African Scholars’ Fund is a registered Non-Profit Organisation (NPO: 002-838; PBO: 130002416). An Educational Trust registered with the Master of the High Court. Donations are tax-deductible in terms of Section 18a of the Income Tax Act.